Thursday, March 17, 2011

Emergency Room Blues

So as I am trying to get the little ones to school, I get a call saying Amanda's in the nurses office. The call was from Amanda's phone, but it wasn't Amanda so I thought it was a prank call because after they said that the phone went blank. Then the school called and it was official she was in the nurses office with a heart rate of 180. I knew she had tacycardia, but she has not had an episode like this since she was little. When I got to the school -  (no they did not call the paramedics!!) her heart rate had not changed. We immediately went to the ER, but by the time we got there it had finally calmed down to 95, but the doctor saw us anyway. She was told after her EKG that she had Wolf Parkinson White Syndrome and that she would need surgery to take care of it. Amanda freaked out thinking they were going to cut her chest open. Later the nurse came in and explained that it would be an outpatient procedure and not to worry! Whew what a relief!! Anyway, we see the cardiologist tomorrow to find out more.

1 comment:

  1. Karen...
    oh my goodness! I'm glad that this can be taken care of on an outpatient basis. Now..I'll have to google that (that's one I haven't heard of).
    NOW...who's her cardiologist? Let me know if there's anything that I can help you with.
